The Pink Queen B Foundation

The Pink Queen B Foundation, founded by breast cancer survivor, Monique Woodlon-Blue, is an organization centered on sisterhood and camaraderie for African-American women healing and fighting through breast cancer. When Monique learned of her own diagnosis in 2018, although she had family, Monique didn't have a representative or support system to help her through the difficult time. So, she created one. Monique recognized how important it was for women to have other women who they can relate with and share other commonalities with, other than this disease, without divisiveness of race and socioeconomic factors getting in the way.

The Pink QueenB's mission is to help bring awareness to the impact that breast cancer has on the African-American community and support women in the fight. 

Unlike other breast cancer foundations, this one is not only passionate about the work it does but it is also thoroughly hands-on when it comes to service. The foundation offers bedside visits to women going through treatment, pink packages that provide spa-like experiences to women who may not feel like themselves through treatment and therapy, counseling/medical resources that are relevant and specifically researched for them and their specific needs, classes to educate audiences on breast cancer, events, and more. The Pink QueenB's mission is to help bring awareness to the impact that breast cancer has on the African-American community and support women in the fight.

Our Mission

To empower African American women through education, resources, and support to increase understanding of their breast cancer risks and encourage them to advocate for their health.

Our Goal

Reach as many African-American women in our community to educate, support and join in the fight to eradicate breast cancer.